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Quick flash

Pre-compiled hex files: https://proghq.org/media/dupal/

ISP connection:

 * Pin 1 (red stripe in cable) towards crystal
 * Notch faces towards ATMEGA

You need an avrdude compatible programmer. To see the list of compatible programmers type

avrdude -c help

Once you know the flag you need, here's an example assuming avrispmkII:

avrdude -v -c avrispmkII -P usb -p atmega328p -e -u \
    -U efuse:w:0xFD:m \
    -U hfuse:w:0xDE:m \
    -U lfuse:w:0xFF:m \
    -U flash:w:optiboot_atmega328.hex

You should see a green blinky LED

avrdude -v -c avrispmkII -P usb -p atmega328p -u -D \
    -U flash:w:dupal_v0.1.2.hex

The green blinky might stop. Hit the reset button and it should blink again

Start up a serial port at 57600 (ex: screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200). Hit "reset" and you should see:

(blinky for a few seconds)


DuPAL - 0.1.2


If you see this, congrats! your DuPAL is flashed and ready to go



# https://github.com/Optiboot/optiboot

# 328P uses 115200?
# a few use 57600 but not the one we need :(
# wget https://github.com/Optiboot/optiboot/releases/download/v8.0/Optiboot-8.0.zip

git clone https://github.com/Optiboot/optiboot.git
cd optiboot
git checkout -b v8.0 v8.0
cd bootloaders/optiboot
make atmega328 AVR_FREQ=20000000L LED_START_FLASHES=8 BAUD_RATE=57600
# sha1sum optiboot_atmega328.hex
# 8a16ce8d98d7bf002c54c7aa911bfd124d9e1961  optiboot_atmega328.hex

Flash optiboot. Example CLI to use ISP header, but can also put into tl866 etc

Sample command line:

Sample output

Originally I tried using BP Microsystems but didn't work (fuses not set right?). I then flashed using avrdude / header and worked (green LED blinking).

TODO: dump end flash so can program using bp

cd DuPAL_Firmware
make program