* >>>>>>> NOTE <<<<<<< *
* *
* *
( D S K 5 )
Your unmodified DSK circuit board has been carefully tested and
inspected in the factory for functionality. Be sure to check the
board yourself BEFORE making any changes! If you do make changes, this
will invalidate any kind of warranty, and we will not accept the board
back for repair.
DSK5D.EXE (tm) TMS320C50 RS232 Monitor and Debugger Version 1.xx
Copyright 1993 Texas Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.
DSK5A.EXE (tm) TMS320C5x DSP Designers Kit Assembler Version 1.xx
Copyright 1993 Texas Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.
DSK5L.EXE (tm) TMS320C5x DSP Designers Kit Loader Version 1.xx
Copyright 1993 Texas Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction to C50 DSP Designers Kit
Your C50 DSK development kit is designed to be operated from an IBM PC/AT
or compatible. The user interface is through an RS-232 serial communications
link. Provisions have been made in the hardware specification making it
possible to upgrade the DSK module with extra memory and features of your
own design.
KIT CONTENTS: Your kit should contain the following materials.
- DSK circuit board module
> TMS320C50 DSP processor
> TLC32040 Analog Interface Circuit (AIC)
> RS-232 interface chips
> AC/DC Power supply circuitry
- Floppy disk containing
> DSK5D.EXE - The debugger interface for the DSK module
> DSK5A.EXE - A TMS320C5x assembler
> DSK5L.EXE - A DSK loader program
> ????? - Check the subdirectories! New applications will be
added as they become available!
- DSK Users Guide and Technical Reference
Like C26 DSK, your C50 DSK circuit board and software has been designed
to be operated from an IBM PC/AT running DOS 4.01 or higher. Your
computer must have an RS-232 asynchronous port installed to run the DSK.
Also, a suitable 9VAC (UL Class II) wall mount transformer with a 2.1mm
pin diameter power jack. The outer diameter is 5.50mm. A chart showing
the DSK connector and corresponding plugs is given below.
| | DSK | XFMR |
| | CONN | PLUG |
| PIN ID | 2.00mm | 2.10mm |
| SHAFT OD | 5.55mm | 5.50mm |
To run the DSK you will need to have an RS-232 port available. If you
do not, or the one you have is currently being used (possibly a mouse), you
may need to purchase an Asynchronous communications for your PC or possibly
an RS-232 upgrade kit. Consult your PC manual for more details.
You will also need to purchase an RS-232 cable to connect to the DSK module.
To save space the DSK was designed with a DB9 RS-232 connection. This
connector style is very popular with newer PC's and laptop computers. If
you do not have the neccessary cables, they can be purchased from a local
computer store. If you are making your own cable, the DSK module connections
as shown below.
: RS232 LINE C50 DSP :
-----+ : / | BUFFERS +----+ :
|TX (XMIT) :3 / | |\ | | :
PC/AT|---------------| |--| >o---------|BIO | +-----+ :
HOST |TR (RCV) :2| R| |/ /| | |--| |--- AIN
|---------------| D S|---o< |--------|XF |--| TLC | :
ASYNC|DTR (/RS) :4| B 2| |\ \| |\ | |--|32040| :
SER |---------------| 9 3|--| >o--| >o--|/RS |--| AIC |--- AOUT
PORT |GND :5| 2| |/ |/ | |--| | :
|---------------| |----------------|GND | +-----+ :
| : \ | | | :
-----+ : \ | +----+ :
: +-----------+ :
: +12(unreg) -----| Half Wave | :
: +5 -----| rectify |----- 9 VAC
: -5 -----| +/-5V reg | :
: -12(unreg) -----| | :
: +-----------+ :
The C50 DSK uses the same power supply design as the C26 DSK. You will need
a 9 VAC (>250 mA) supply to run the DSK. The DSK module accepts a 2.1mm power
jack, common to many wall mount AC transformers. A low current UL listed
transformer is recommended for the DSK module since they are designed to
withstand most power faults for a brief period of time. If you do have
problems, immediately unplug the transformer from the wall and check that you
have everything set up right. In the United States a suitable transformer (9
VAC, 1.3A) can be aquired from Radio Shack (Cat. No. 273-1611A). However, if
you have a early revision board you will also want to replace the 2.1mm jack on
this transformer.
If you decide to use the DSK's on board power supply and regulators for
external circuits, be sure to keep the loading to less than about 50 mA.
Regulation for the DSK is minimal and can not handle a lot of additional
The DSK module can also be run from a suitable +/-7 to +/-12 VDC supply.
In this case the minimum voltage is set by the lower regulation limit of
the onboard +/-5 V regulators and the upper limit by the maximum allowable
RS232 level. To do this, power is directly applied to the double row header
where all signals have been made available. Note: Be careful to connect
the power supply correctly since the DSK is not warrentied after modifications
have been made. Failure to do this can also cause significant damage to
the DSK module.
It is strongly recommended that you first copy the contents of the DSK
distribution disk to a safe place for backup. This can be done by using the
DOS DISKCOPY utility. It is not recommended that you use the DSK from the
distribution diskette.
Next, we need to execute the install batch file (DSKINSTL.BAT) to install the
software to the C:\DSK sub-directory. Since the DSK5D debugger is also
compatible with TI's COFF assemblers and linkers you can also copy everything
to that directory to keep things simple. Next you should modify your PC's path
statement to make the DSK tools available from other directories.
The DSK software you will need primarily consists of three executable files,
DSK5D.EXE, DSK5A.EXE, and DSK5L.EXE. The first two files are the debugger and
assembler respectively. The third one is loader program. The other files
contained in the distribution disk are for examples and development support.
When the DSK5D is first started it also creates some configuration and
parameter file (DSK5D.CFG and DSK5D.PRM). They can be modified to customize
the colors that the debugger uses. If something goes wrong, delete the
old ones and start over.
DSK5D is a debugger and user interface designed to be used with the EPROM
Bootload option of the TMS320C50 chip. Features of DSK5D include an easy to
use windowed display of program, data, internal registers and status. The
user interface is capable of loading and executing user code with single
step, breakpoint and run-time halt capabilities. The full featured DSP code
which is responsible for the host communications has been kept to a very
compact 314 words in program SARAM making it possible to run reasonably
complicated code completely on-chip while still operating the debugger.
Valid code formats for DSK5D include both DSK output files from the DSK5A
assembler and COFF format files from the TMS320 DSP Fixed Point Assembler.
If you need features not found in the DSK5A assembler, contact your local
TI sales representitive for purchasing information on the COFF assembler.
DSK5D works in conjunction with the EPROM bootload option of the
TMS320C50. When the 'C50 is reset, the on-chip ROM bootloader drives the BR\
pin low and starts to load the kernel program from the OTP on the DSK. After
loading, the program starts from 0x800 on SARAM which is configured as program
and data memory.
The DSK uses BIO and XF to communicate with RS232. When the BIO line goes
low, this indicates that an RS232 transmission start bit has been sent by the
host. Since the baud rate is unknown, the PC sends 0x80 data through RS232
and the 'C50 begins counting the number of elapsed CPU cycles until the BIO
line goes high again. The baud rate is set by the width of the start bit plus
7 data bit, then divide by 8.
The bootloader loads code into on-chip SARAM. In the case of the DSK a
debugging and communications kernal is loaded which is capable of bi-
directional RS232 communications using XF and BIO as well as debugging using
the TRAP mneumonic and INT2 (incoming RS232 message). When a debug interrupt
occurs, the DSK kernal also saves and restores the internal registers. This
should not concern a DSK user as long as the kernal is not corrupted. If it is
corrupted, the DSK5D (and the DSP) will not operate properly.
>>>>>> IMPORTANT <<<<<<
Your DSK module uses the INT2 line tied to the BIO input to indicate that
there is activity on the RS232 receive line. If you turn off the global
interrupt enable bit or unmask INT2 the runtime halt feature will not work.
Likewise, if you rewrite the vector table for either TRAP or INT2 the debugger
kernal will fail to operate correctly.
> All of RAM block B2 CPU register storage
> First 384 words of SARAM debugger communications kernal
> SARAM configured as
program & data RAM ""
> C50 must be in uC mode RS232 receive is in ROM
> INT2 Halts running CPU
> TRAP opcode Breakpoints and single step
The interrupt vectors of the DSK have been allocated to start at 0x800. That
means the IPTR value in the PMST register is 1, and You SHOULD NOT MODIFY THE
IPTR VALUE. The DSK5D program will restore the RESET, INT2, TRAP interrupt
vectors. Therefore, you should not worry about overwriting those vectors. The
kernel program starts from 0x840 -DO NOT LET YOUR INTERRUPT VECTORS OVERWRITE
THE KERNEL PROGRAM. Your program should start after 0x980. We recommend you
start from 0xa00. The example code below shows where the DSK interrupt vector
table and kernal reside.
.ps 0800h
RESET: .space 2*16 ;00; Reset vector reserved for Kernel program
INT1: B ISR1 ;02; external INT1
INT2: .space 2*16 ;04; INT2 reserved for Kernal program
INT3: B ISR3 ;06; external INT3
TINT: B TIMER ;08; Timer interrupt
RINT: B RECEIVE ;0A; Serial port receive interrupt
XINT: B TRANX ;0C; Serial port transmit interrupt
TRNT: B TREC ;0E; TDM serial port receive interrupt
TXNT: B TTRANX ;10; TDM serial port transmit interrupt
INT4: B ISR4 ;12; external INT4
; KERNEL PROGRAM (00840h - 00980h)
.ps 00a00h ;Your code can start here
.entry ;
START: mar *,AR0 ;
lar AR0,#0 ;
lacl #03fh ;Turn on all interrupts
ldp #0 ;
sacl 04h ;
; Simple interrupt processing (quick return)
ISR1: ;
ISR3: ;
ISR4: ;
TRANX: ldp #0 ;recover the ARP from ST1
rete ;
.end ;
For quick reference, a list of commands can be viewed from within DSK5D by
hitting 'H' (Help) while at the command line. This list can also be sent to
a file while in the Help menu by hitting the 'F' (File) key. The following is
the output listing:
Usage of the program: dskd [[-|\][options]
Options: Please note that options are not case sensative
H : Displays this screen
Bxxxxx : Selects the baudrates: 4800, 9600, 19200[default], 38400, or 57600.
COMx : comport: x=1 [default] or x=2. Optional 'C1' or 'C2' can be used to
select commport 1 and commport 2 respectively. (commports 3 & 4 are
not supported)
Exxxx : defines the entry point, where xxxx is the address in hexidecimal.
I : selects logic level for DTR->Reset (default->inverse)
L : selects the EGA/VGA screen length (43 or 50)
S : selects the default screen length (25)
Function Key definitions
F1 Help Information
F2 Print Screen to 'screen.srn'
F3 Display Directory
F4 unused
F5 execute to breakpoint --> same as XG
F6 unused
F7 unused
F8 singlestep --> same as F10, XS, blank, return
F9 unused
F10 execute over function --> same XF
F11 Reverse Assembler window
sF1 Reverse Assembler window
F12 Trace ON/OFF
sF2 Trace ON/OFF
BA Breakpoint add
BD Breakpoint delete
BE Breakpoint enable/disable
BL Breakpoint list
C.. Copy/Move
CDD Copy Data block to another Data area
CDP Copy Data block to Program area
CPD Copy Program block to Data area
CPP Copy Program block to another Program area
DD Display Data memory
DB Display Breakpoints
DF. Display Format: see subcommands
DFB Display Data in format big (expo=16,mantissa=32/Q30)
DFD Display Data in format double
DFE Display Data in format short float (exp=16,mant=16/Q14)
DFF Display Data in format float
DFI Display Data in format integer
DFL Display Data in format long
DFO Display Data in format octal
DFP Display Data in format packed string
DFQ Display Data in format signed Q15
DFS Display Data in format string
DFU Display Data in format unsigned integer
DFT Display Data in format long float (exp=32,mant=64/Q62)
DFX Display Data in format hexadecimal
DM. Display Memory window: see subcommands
DMA Display Memory window: set Address
DMB Display Memory Format: big (expo=16,mantissa=32/Q30)
DMD Display Memory Format: double (IEEE)
DME Display Memory Format: short float (exp=16,mant=16/Q14)
DMF Display Memory Format: float (IEEE)
DMI Display Memory Format: integer
DML Display Memory Format: long
DMO Display Memory Format: octal
DMQ Display Memory Format: Q15
DMU Display Memory Format: unsigned int
DMT Display Memory Format: long float (exp=32,mant=64/Q62)
DMX Display Memory Format: to hexadecimal
DP Display Program memory
DS Display Status register information
DV Display Version
FD Fill Data Memory with a value
FP Fill Program Memory with a value
Help Help display
I Initialize to the entry point of the program
L.. Load data (program, [formatted] data from a file)
LC Load Coff file: common object file format
LD Load DSK file: DSK file format
LP Load Format Program: 4 hex digits per line
LF. Load Format
LFB Load Format Bfloat: 1 big float per line
LFD Load Format Double: 1 IEEE double number per line
LFE Load Format Efloat: 1 special float per line
LFI Load Format integer: 1 int per line
LFL Load Format long: 8 hex digits per line
LFF Load Format Float: 1 IEEE float number per line
LFP Load Format packed charter string
LFQ Load Format Q15: one Q15 number per line
LFS Load Format Char string: 1 char per word
LFT Load Format Tfloat: 1 long float per line
LFU Load Format unsigned: 1 unsigned int per line
LFX Load Format Hex: 4 hex digits per line
MR Modify 320C50 Register: PC,ACCU,ARx, etc.
MP Modify Program Memory
MD Modify Data Memory
Q Quit (or ctrl Q)
P load Program counter: done from ModifyRegister display
R Reset the 320c50
S.. Save (program, [formatted] data to a file)
SD Save Data memory to file
SF Save Format
SP Save Program memory to file: 4 hex digits per line
SFB Save Format Bfloat: 1 big float per line
SFI Save Format integer: 1 int per line
SFD Save Format Double: 1 IEEE double number per line
SFE Save Format Efloat: 1 special float per line
SFF Save Format Float: 1 IEEE float number per line
SFL Save Format long: 8 hex digits per line
SFP Save Format Packed character string
SFQ Save Format Q15: 1 Q15 number per line
SFS Save Format character String: 1 char per word
SFT Save Format Tfloat: 1 long float per line
SFU Save Format unsigned: 1 unsigned int per line
SFX Save Format Hex: 4 hex digits per line
V Verify Flag ON/OFF - default=ON for(Load ...)
W.. Watch Window definition
WA Watch window: Address definition
WD Watch window: Delete watch number
WM Watch window: Modify address of watch
WF Watch window Format: see subcommands
WFB Watch window Format: big (exp=16,mant=32/Q30)
WFD Watch window Format: double
WFE Watch window Format: short float (exp=16,mant=16/Q14)
WFF Watch window Format: float
WFI Watch window Format: integer
WFP Watch window Format: packed string
WFQ Watch window Format: Q15 (sign . fraction)
WFS Watch window Format: string
WFU Watch window Format: unsigned integer
WFT Watch window Format: long (exp=32,mant=64/Q62)
XA eXecute and go to Address: define a destination Adress
XC eXecute with calling a function (includes stack handling)
XF eXecute a function: CALL or CALA
XG eXecute Go to Breakpoint
XL eXecute and Link: branches like a 'call' to an address
XQ eXecute and Quit the debugger
XN eXecute 'n' single steps
XR eXecute and Free Run (ignore switching XF)
XS eXecute one single step
see: F8, F10, blank, return
Floating Point formats:
.Float 32 bit IEEE standardized floating point format
.Double 64 bit IEEE standardized double floating point format
.Bfloat 'big float' / 16 bit exponent + 32 bit mantissa
exponent: 2's complement / signed mantissa = Q30
.Tfloat 'long float' / 32 bit exponent + 64 bit mantissa
exponent: 2's complement / signed mantissa = Q62
.Efloat 'enhanced float' / 16 bit exponent + 16 bit mantissa
exponent: 2's complement / signed mantissa = Q14
Register Definitions:
PC Program counter: 16 bit
ACCU Accumulator: 32 bit with C (carry) in ST1
ACCB Accumulator Buffer: 32 bit to temporarily store ACCU
PREG Product Register: 32 bit for 16* 16 bit multiplication
TRG0 Temporary Multiplicand: 16 bit for multipliction
and special instructions
TRG1 Temporary Register 1: 5 bit for dynamic shift
TRG2 Temporary Register 2: 4 bit for bit pointer in bit test
ARi Auxiliary Register: 16 bit with i=0..7 used as
counter and pointer
ST0 Status Register 0: 16 bit
ST1 Status Register 1: 16 bit
PMST Status Register: 16 bit
STCKi Stack Register: 16 bit with n= 0..7 used as
Hardware Stack.
Please note that the debugger uses one level stack
for its own purpose!!
DRR Data receive register at address 0:
16 bit for the serial port
DXR Data transmit register at address 1:
16 bit for the serial port
TIM Timer register at address 24: 16 bit
PRD Period register at address 25: 16 bit
IMSK Interrupt mask register at address 4:
6 bits for masking 6 interrupts
GREG Global register at address 5:
8 bits to define data memory as global
SPC Serial Port Control Register at address 22
ARP ST0: Auxiliary register pointer: 3 bits
INTM ST0: Interrupt mode (global int enable) : 1 bit
DP ST0: Data Page pointer: 9 bits
ARB ST1: Auxiliary register pointer buffer: 3 bits
CNF ST1: internal Prog/Data configuration: 2 bits
PM ST1: Preg to accu shift mode: 2 bits
C ST1: Carry bit: 1 bit
TC ST1: Test/Control: 1 bit
HM ST1: Holdmode selection: 1 bit
TXM SPC: FSX mode bit: 1 bit
FO SPC: serial port control (8/16 bit mode): 1 bit
Please note that following is reserved
1) IMR=4 (INT2) and EINT are set from the debugger to enable
halting of a running program: Please do not overwrite
the bit IMR=4 and use logical instruction to set the
appropriate interrupt mask! Do not change the locations
0x804 and 0x805, which are reserved for INT2!
If another IMR bit than 4 is set this Interrupt is
executed also during Single Steps!
If an breakpoint is set on an interrupt vector (0x802...)
and then it is executed with Single Step it will 'nest'
interrupts because EINT is automatically executed!
2) Block B2 (data memory 0x60 - 0x7f) is reserved for
debugger use! Don't overwrite this locations!
3) The debugger kernel is located from 0x840-0x980
in SARAM configured as Program & Data memory! Please
DO NOT modify RAM & OVLY bits.
4) The instruction TRAP and the memory location 0x822
(trap vector) are reserved for the debugger
Please note also following
The debugger allocate the Interrupt Vectors at 0x800 and
higher by set IPTR=1! Please DO NOT modified the IPTR value
Executing User Interrupts (please note that INT2 is reserved)
requires that additional Vectors have to be placed into the
address space 0x800-0x83f as following:
0x802-0x803 - INT 1
0x804-0x805 - INT 2 - used from debugger
0x806-0x807 - INT 3
0x808-0x809 - Timer
0x80a-0x80b - Serial Port Receive
0x80c-0x80d - Serial Port Transmit
0x80e-0x80f - TDM Serial Port Receive
0x810-0x811 - TDM Serial Port Transmit
0x812-0x813 - INT4
0x814-0x820 - reserved
0x822-0x823 - TRAP - used from debugger
0x824-0x825 - NMI
0x826-0x827 - reserved
0x828-0x83f - User-defined
Please note also that the ARP (auxiliary register pointer) is
set to AR5 with executing the Interrupt vector branch! The
original ARP content is saved to the 3 MSBs in ST1 and can
here extracted and restored!
The DSP Designers Kit Assembler (DSK5A.EXE) is a very simple and easy
to use assembler for the TMS320C5x family of processors. Only the most
essential features of an assembler have been incorporated to help keep
the assembler as easy to use as possible. Every effort has been made to
keep the DSK5A as compatible as possible to TI's commercialy retailed "TMS320
Fixed Point DSP Assembly Language Tools" which offer many more features.
The DSK5A assembler differs from many other assemblers in that it does not
go through a linker phase to create an output file. Instead the DSK5A uses
special directives to assemble code to an absolute address 'on the fly'. A
label table will generate at the end of list file which can give you the
absolute address of all labels. The strength of this approach is that small
and simple programs can be created quickly and easily. Larger executables can
also be created by chaining files together with the '.include' directive.
There is no provision for linking executables or libraries together at a later
Useage: DSK5A <FILE[.ASM]> [KL] [asm "code"]
|| |
|| pre-assembles 'code' as an include
|+- generate list file FILE.LST
+--- Keep output. Ignoring ERRORS
FILES OPENED: FILE.DSK: DSK5A Output file for use with DSK5D
FILE.TMP: Temporary object (automaticly deleted)
FILE.INC: File used when using the asm option
Example: To Assemble TEST.ASM to TEST.DSK and generate a listing file TEST.LST
option: -K If this option is given DSK5A will try to generate an output
file irregardless of the outcome of any errors or warnings.
By default an ERROR corrupted file is deleted.
-L This option generates an intermediate file containing the
unresolved opcodes. Unresolved symbols are resolved when
the entire file has been read in. Note that the symbols
are not stored in the intermediate object file and are
therefore not linkable.
asm This option is a feature which allows the user to define
assembler statements from the command line. Assembler code
in this case is terminated at both ends with a double quote.
The character immediately following the first quote is placed
in the first column. ASM statements are written to an
include file FILE.INC overwriting the previous file using
that name.
DSK5A TEST.ASM L ASM"FFT .SET 256" ASM" .entry 0a00h"
generates the file "TEST.INC" which contains
column 1
FFT .SET 256
.entry 0a00h
DSK5A assembler source files can be created with almost any ASCII editor.
Legal characters are any alpha-numeric character, white space and tabs.
What the DSK5A can not work with are files created directly from word
processors that use special control characters for formatting. Usually
these editors can generate pure ASCII text files but not by default!
There are two ways to comment a line with the DSK5A assembler. The first
and prefferable way is to use a semi-colon ";". A semi-colon can be
placed anywhere in a line and everything after it is ignored.
The second way to add a comment is to use an asterisk "*". In this case
the asterisk must always be in the first column. If it is not, it will
be assumed to be part of an opcode and will likely generate an error.
All labels must begin in the first column and must start with a letter
or an underscore "_". After the first letter you can then mix in numbers
as you go along. An optional colon ":" which is usually needed in other
assemblers as a terminator is not needed. A label can be up to 8 characters
in length.
When an opcode or directive references a label, the value of the address
where the label is located in memory is substituted. The only exception
is the LDP opcode which loads the top nine bits of the address.
Opcodes must begin past the first column or after a white space or tab
character following a label. The syntax usage of specific TMS320C5x
opcodes can be found in the TMS320C5x Users Guide. The rules that apply
are given in the examples below.
First, it is usually neccessary to resolve ALL fields in an opcode. If
an opcode field such as the shift field in a SACL opcode is left out,
the next field found becomes the value for that field and the next field
is not filled in. If a field is not specified, its value is assumed
to be a null and the opcode is processed accordingly.
Second, expression analysis is NOT performed! Things like the addition
of two values, multiplies, shifts etc... are not perfomed. Only direct
substitution of defined variables is allowed.
WRONG: SACL *,AR7 ; becomes SACL *,7 (AR7 used for shift)
RIGHT: SACL *,0,AR7 ; all field specified
OK: SACL * ; last two fields not specified. This works
RESULT .word 0
This happens because the numeric value of AR7 becomes 7, which when
placed into the B opcode (in the wrong field) becomes *BR0+ in the
AR modification field.
label .byte value1,[value2,]...
The .byte directive places one or more bytes into consecutive memory words.
The 8 MSB's are filled with 0's. Value can either be numeric or character
constants. Variable substitution is NOT supported.
LAB1 .byte -1,2,0Ah,'A' ;where 'A' is converted to it's ASCII char
label .int value1,[value2,]...
label .word value1,[value2,]...
The .int and .word directives place one or more signed 16 bit values into
memory. Character constants are also legal. Variable substitution is NOT
LAB1 .int 0,-1,2,0ABCDh,'B'
label .long value1,[value2,]...
The .long directive places one or more signed 32 bit values or character
constants into memory. The least significant word is stored first.
LAB1 .long 0,-123456,234567,01234ABCDh,'C'
label .float value1,[value2,]...
label .double value1,[value2,]...
label .efloat value1,[value2,]...
label .bfloat value1,[value2,]...
label .tfloat value1,[value2,]...
These directives convert numeric values into various floating point
formats. The formats are ...
.float IEEE-784 32 bit floating point format
.double IEEE 64 bit floating point format
.efloat This format uses a 16 bit 2's compliment exponent and a 16 bit
2's compliment mantissa. The mantissa's decimal point is between
bits 14 and 15 making the 1's place explicit. That is it is not
implied as in IEEE formats where it is normaly suppressed. In
IEEE this is suppressed to allow for greater precision since the
mantissa is always between 1.0 and 1.9999 in value. For DSP use
an IEEE number would need to be 'unpacked' before the individual
members are operated on. As a result speed performance would be
sacrificed. In the .efloat, .bfloat and .tfloat formats numbers
are left in their unpacked form for greater efficiency.
.bfloat similar to .efloat except that it has 16 bit exponent and 32 bit
.tfloat similar to .efloat except that it has 32 bit exponent and 64 bit
mantissa. NOTE: This is a proposed format for the TMS320C40 and
is only included for compatability. It is not suitable for a 16
bit processor!
The .mmregs will generate the symbolic names for the C50 registers and
places them in the symbol table. It is equivalent to executing
IMR .set 4
GREG .set 5
label .string value1,[value2,]...
The .string directive places bytes into memory in a packed form in the
order they are encountered. If a word is not completely filled, the
trailing LSB's are filled with 0's. Value can either be numeric, character
constant or character string. Variable substitution is NOT supported.
LAB1 .string -1,2,0Ah,"ABC",'D' ;"ABC" is converted to 3 ASCII char's
label .space value
The .space directive is used to insert value bits into the current
segment, either program or data. Each word in the space is filled
with 0's and words not completely filled are padded with additional
b past ;
.space 040h ;fills in 4 words with 0's
past: nop ;
var .set value
The .set directive is used to assign a value to a variable. This
directive is useful in establishing values throughout the scope of
the assembled code. For instance, .set could be used to set the
load and program entry addresses or establish values for commonly used
variables like memory mapped registers.
[add in the feature]
.include "file.ext"
.copy "file.ext"
These directives are used to chain files together making it easier to
build large programs. Note that because there is no link phase to
the DSK assembler that multiple definitions of labels and variables
will generate errors and warnings. Nesting of included files of
up to 8 levels is allowed before terminating the assembler.
.include "MMRS.ASM" ; include a file defining the MMR's
.include "LINK.ASM" ; include a file defining the load
; and program entry address
.include "VECTS.ASM" ; include a vector table
label .text
label .data
These directives select that assembly output either goes to the program
or data space respectively. The previously used address (program or data
space) is kept in memory making it easy to continue code or data after a
[ add in the feature ]
The .end directive terminates the assembly process making any code that
follows irrelevent. Note that an improperly placed .end directive inside
an .include file can also terminate the assembler prematurely.
.ps [value]
.ds [value]
These directives are used to initialize the program and data load
load address's. They can appear multiple times, making it possible
to selectively not load anything to the gaps that are produced.
Also, if the addresses overlap, it is possible to overwrite code
or data with these directives. If [value] is ommitted, the last
address is used as in .text or .data.
.entry [value]
When this directive is encountered the value given becomes the starting
address of the program counter when the file is loaded. If no value is
given the current program memory address as determined by the .ps or
.text section becomes the starting address. If more than one .entry
directive is encountered in the file, the last .entry becomes the starting
address of your code.
[ add in the feature ]
These directives are sometimes usefull in debugging your code. They
are used to override the command line -L option which can turn on the
output listing. The listing is always written to a file whose name is
derived from the original source with an extension of file.LST.
NOTE: .listoff also turns off disassembly since this feature is part
of the LIST file.
.if value
These directives are used to conditionally assemble sections of code.
The .if segment is assembled if value is non-zero. Value can either
be numeric or a preset (.set) variable. Note that since DSK5A does
not have a link phase and is a one pass assembler, variables must be
initialized BEFORE using them! Otherwise their value will be zero.
ALso note that expression analysis is not supported.
ELOOP .set 1
.lqxx /* 32 bit Q formats */
These directives are used to generate signed 2's compliment fractional
integer and long integer values whose decimal point is displaced xx
places from the LSB.
.ds 0400h
.Q15 0.25, 0.5, 0.75
<- 15 places ->
0400 00000h ; #0.000000000000000b
0401 02000h ; #0.010000000000000b
0402 04000h ; #0.100000000000000b
0403 06000h ; #0.110000000000000b
The DSK output file supports 16 bit addresses both in program and
data space allowing direct placement of runtime code into a target.
+-- DSK characters: K designates start of file
| 1 designates code entry point
| 9 designates load address
| +-- DSK revision and output file name
| | +-- Checksum follows
^ |<-------------->| | +-- line terminate
K_DSKA_1.01_TEST.DSK | |
1FB007FB00F ^ ^
: ^
^ |
| +-- B designates load to program space
| M designates load to data space
+-- End of file record